Swim Team Information Booklet

Mission Statement & Team Philosophy


The goal of the Lomas Santa Fe Swim Team is to provide a comprehensive competitive swim team program for our club members.  Swimmers between the ages of 4 -14 meeting the basic skill requirements are eligible to participate.  Education and stroke development are the cornerstones of the program.  All of our incentive programs and training plans focus on giving the swimmers many tools that will help them be successful in the sport of swimming. 



The following is an outline of the major goals of the Lomas Santa Fe Swim Team:

· Educate members on the concepts of competitive swimming

· Allow team members to learn and progress at their own rate

· Provide a positive atmosphere that will challenge and entice team members to strive for new heights

· Teach the principles of self-discipline and self-motivation

· Educate swimmers on proper workout habits and workout ethics

· Provide a safe and healthy environment for social interaction and play

· Provide responsible adult supervision and role models



We recognize that self-esteem and confidence are the

foundation for most all of our successes in life.  These are some of the greatest things that can be gained from participation in a healthy youth sports program:


Confidence - Build self-assurance

Self-esteem – Create pride in oneself, self-respect

Instruction – Learn new skills, and techniques

Companionship – Establish life-long friendships

Growth – Develop strong spirit and body

Practice Guidelines


*Swimmers are encouraged to participate in as many practices as possible each week.  It is highly recommended that swimmers attend a minimum of 3 workouts a week.  Arrive promptly with goggles, cap, and fins ready to swim. 


*Parents are welcome to watch the practice sessions, but are encouraged to do so from the chairs under the canopy.  This ensures the safety of both parents and swimmers; and provides a more focused learning environment.  Parents coaching from the sideline during practice is not permitted.


*Coaches must dedicate their entire attention to the swimmers in the pool; therefore parents will be asked not to engage the coaches in conversation during workout times.


*Any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.  Swimmers will receive warnings and be asked to sit out after a third warning, but will remain in the pool area until picked up by their parents.  Coaches will try to discuss any issues with parents immediately after the incidence. 



Team Communication


The following communication system has been developed to keep parents up to date with pertinent swim team information, as well as providing a method to communicate with the coaches.  The coaches are occupied during swim team practice, so leaving notes in the mail box and phone messages are desirable methods of communication.


1.   Email Message.  Parents can email Agatha at agathabrownswimteam@outlook.com .  Parents can email Joanne McDonald at aquatics@lomassantafecc.com


2. ‘Mail Box’ File folders.  Each swimmer will have a file folder set-up at the pool that will serve as our in-house postal system.  Swimmers should check their files daily.  Important information will be distributed to swimmers via the file folders.  After meets, this is where you can pick up your ribbons. We encourage parents to check the files of younger swimmers


3. Phone Messages.  Messages can be left for the coaches at the Aquatic Office, (858)755-6768 or contact Coach Agatha directly at (760)703-2449



Parent Participation


The Lomas Santa Fe swim team depends on the active support of the swimmers’ parents during the swim season and especially at the swim meets. At least one parent in each swimmer’s family is required to work at swim meets in which the child participates, or assist with other team-related activities. Parents should plan to attend the parent’s meeting to sign up for specific jobs for the upcoming swim meets.  Parent volunteer sign ups will be posted with meet sign up sheets. 


Specific volunteer positions during the swim meet:

· Timers

· Ribbon Writers

· Starter

· Runners

· Check in desk

Individual or Individual’s support

· Team Party

· Photographer/Historian


Here are some guidelines and suggestions for parents:


1. You should not impose your ambitions on your child.  Remember that swimming is your child’s activity.   Each child improves at his or her own pace.  Please do not judge your child’s progress based on the performance of other swimmers and do not push your children based on what you think they should be doing.  One of the beautiful things about swimming is that every person can strive to do their own personal best.


2. You need to be supportive of your children no matter how they perform.  Be supportive of what your child does.  If meets and practices are not fun, your child should not be forced to participate.


3. You should only have positive things to say at swim meets.  If you are planning to attend a meet, you should cheer and applaud, but never criticize your child or your child’s coach.


4. You should acknowledge and respect your child’s fears, concerns and disappointments.  A child’s first swim meet or swimming event can be a very stressful situation.  It is understandable for your child to be a little scared.  Please do not raise your voice or belittle, just assure your child that the coach would not have suggested the event if he/she was not ready to compete in it.  Be positive when dealing with your child’s disappointments.  Remember - there is always another opportunity to do better.


5. You should not criticize the officials.  If you do not have the time or the desire to volunteer as an official, please do not criticize those who are doing the best they can.


6. Honor your child’s coach.  The bond between coach and swimmer is a special one, and one that contributes to your child’s success, as well as their enjoyment.  Under no circumstances should you criticize the coach in the presence of your child; it will only serve to hurt your child’s swimming.


7. Every child should have goals besides winning.  Giving an honest effort regardless of outcome is much more important than winning.


8. You should not expect your child to become an Olympian.  There are more that 1 million swimmers in the United States.  There are only 52 spots available for the Olympic team every four years.  Your child’s chances of becoming an Olympian are pretty challenging.  Swimming is much more than just the Olympics.  Swimming teaches self-discipline and sportsmanship; it builds self-esteem and fitness; it provides lifelong friendships and more.  Swimming builds a whole range of good values and habits, so you should be proud and happy your child wants to participate.


Upon joining the team you and your family are expected to conduct yourself according to the Lomas Santa Fe Club Code of Ethics.  It is one of the responsibilities of the coaching staff to make sure that every team member is conducting himself/herself in an appropriate manner.

Teaching and Coaching Methods

Our Aquatic program uses a problem-solving, guided discovery teaching approach. Our emphasis with each child is on learning, not passing or failing.  We understand that all children are different, therefore they learn in different ways (kinesthetic, verbal, and visual use).  Our teaching approach is ‘explanation-demonstration-practice-feedback”.  Our coaching philosophy is to make sure that all swimmers learn how to swim more efficiently.  Every practice will be designed with the emphasis on basic swimming techniques including: body position, breathing, kicking, streamlining, timing of stroke, turns and starts.  We recognize the importance of reinforcing these skills as a tool of preventing any potential stroke faults and problems in the future. 


Our swimmers will improve all four competitive strokes on a consistent basis, including their least favorite ones.  It is our philosophy to better every swimmer’s multiple skills and develop individual ability in all aspects of swimming.  This will assist swimmers in continuous and systematic progress though the year.